My Tia Lupe

Created by Samantha 9 years ago
I’ve been waiting to write this all down because the thought of it brought me to tears. How does one convey the memories of a lifetime into a piece of writing? My Tia Lupe was like my second mom. Many of my fondest memories have her in them. Her two daughters, my cousins, very much became my older sisters. I feel like we were never that far from them growing up.

We took trips to Disney World together, and as the duty of being the youngest in the family, it was always my mission to make everyone else laugh. I feel like every trip was always wrapped in laughter, and not just any laughter, but the really good kind, when you laugh so hard your stomach hurts and you have tears that run down your face. Those moments were the greatest.

My Tia Lupe was the person I called every time my mom and I got into massive arguments over the dumbest things. She’d be the one to talk me through my anger, made me see reason, always listened without judgment, and then would give the best advice. She called me on my crap without ever making me feel inferior, and I never had to question where I stood with her. I always knew she was there.

I graduated from graduate school four years ago, and as a gift, a year later, my Tia took me to Spain. We talked and laughed so much throughout the entire trip. Time eating amazing food, laying on the beach, and trying to find the best gazpacho at every Spanish restaurant. We even wound up in Madrid one day during Spain’s Pride Parade. Even after that trip, we discussed what our next future trip would be: Italy? She had just gone recently, but it’s a place I had not. I’ll still have to make the trip at some point in her name.

My faith in God is the anchor in my life, and through Him, I know that she’s in such a better place. It was so incredibly difficult seeing her so sick when I had only seen her so healthy throughout my life.I am happy that I also got to see her recently, and I was able to talk to her and pray over her. It’s in heaven that we are restored, and it does bring me peace to know that she’s no longer in pain. I will be able to see her again, and I look forward to the day.
